A big thanks to all who entered the 2019 Norfolk Open.
The organisation of the competition this year was littered with ups and downs. It is all thanks to a sportspark cancellation and a date change that the competition was able to go ahead at all! It was decided that this year, in a change to the normal schedule, sabreurs would join the foilists on Saturday and the epeeists would have the hall to themselves on Sunday.
Foil entry numbers were very similar to last year. The womens competition was eventful but the result predictable as Chiara McDermott won her 8th (or 9th we aren’t quite sure) Norfolk Open. After a close fought mens final the title went to a newcomer Alex Lim. Full results can be found below.
After a very successful year last year when it came to entry numbers for sabre this year was a little disappointing. In particular with regards the men, with exactly half the number present in 2018. This did not deter the fencers themselves and the men opted to do two poule uniques before entering DE’s. Sam Ogden was victorious for the men and after losing in the final last year Michele Narey returned to her place at the top for the women (having won in 2017 and 2016). Full results can be seen below.
Epee numbers were similar to last year however before the competition it seemed that there would be two new victors as neither of 2018’s had entered. However after an unexpected late entry it seemed that this was not to be the case. Julie Henson was victorious, maintaining her 2018 title and the mens title was returned to the 2017 winner Joe Joyner. Full results can be seen below.